TO YOUR HEALTH: Affordable healthy food available locally | Lifestyles

Wellness does not just mean gym time. One very common issue people deal with is fiscal fitness.

I know many people who are struggling with money. Many folks are trying to afford healthy food or are trying to feed their kids on a limited budget. So, in times of financial stress, how do you eat well?

Some tips I have for eating well on a budget:


• Eat plant-strong meals – Serve spinach, broccoli, brussel sprouts or another leafy green with most meals.

• Grow your own – For the green-thumb-blessed, this is a great option. For those like me, if you factor in the cost of seeds, the time weeding the garden and the fact that I eventually kill most plants, this isn’t the best plan.

• Food co-ops – We are very lucky to have Bountiful Baskets available to us locally. I get a great basket of fruits and vegetables for around $15. Visit for more information.

Community Seeds of Lone Oak also often has free USDA boxes of food including fresh produce Contact them for distribution availability 903-634-5673.

Christ Community Church of Greenville has a community garden and often has a produce giveaway on Saturdays in season. Call for information 903-455-9199.


Where do you get your protein?

Alternatives to meat include things like tofu, quinoa, beans, canned tuna and eggs and are all very affordable options for protein sources.

Many vegetables are also a great source of protein; just make sure you are getting a whole protein when eating non-animal foods (like eating brown rice with your beans or broccoli so that you get all of the essential amino acids that you need).

If you find yourself struggling to meet your family’s nutrition needs, please send me a message and I’ll do my best to connect you to more resources. You are not alone and many people are struggling right now.

Liz Jones is the owner of Liz Jones Wellness LLC, in Hunt and Rockwall counties, and is building Jones Wellness Ranch north of Greenville. She can be reached at [email protected] or through her website at