Epilepsy And Nutrition

NutritionDiindolylmethane, or DIM for brief, is a plant indole—a plant compound with health-selling properties. DIM and different plant indoles are found in all cruciferous greens. Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. Studies have proven that DIM has the power to cut back the chance of certain cancers, especially these influenced by excessive estrogen levels, resembling breast, uterine and prostate.

Deficiency malnutrition: Neural tube defects in growing embryos and impaired DNA synthesis and restore are among the results of deficiency. I congratulate you on your work in Nutrition in SL. lets be a part of palms and assist SL in the improvement of these ideas! Prevention of disease is so vital for a creating nation as Sri Lanka. When there is each protein and energy deficiency arising due to malnutrition, a condition called marasmus arises in which there’s emaciation and extensive muscle and tissue wasting.

Slow mixture of …

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Elite Nutrition and Performance Let’s Talk About Female Athlete Triad

I work a lot with athletes and active individuals to help them fuel their body for better health and performance.

I often get calls from parents who are concerned about their teen athlete, because they’re working out and training a lot and participating in a sport, but they’re not fueling their body properly, and the symptoms are starting to show up.

A recent case was with a mother whose teenage daughter has Female athlete triad syndrome; a medical condition resulting from severe under-fueling to the point of no longer menstruating. Many people don’t know that Female athlete triad syndrome is a real medical concern, and is more common than we think in female athletes.

It results from not getting enough carbs, protein, fat, and calories. Athletes are already expending a lot of calories in their sport, training, in their work and school, and combined with todays’ diet culture, females are

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Elite Nutrition and Performance The Benefits of Milk for Building Muscle

The Benefits of Milk for Building Muscle

The Benefits of Milk for Building Muscle

June is National Dairy Month, so it’s the perfect time to pay homage to a glass of milk, and all the nutritional benefits it provides.

In particular, in this video I explain how its benefits deserve a second look for building muscle and improving performance.

Dairy tends to get a bad rap due to allergies and lactose intolerance, and this is a legitimate reason to avoid it for people who have these issues. For those of you without this sensitivity however, and if you’re an athlete trying to gain muscle and boost your training or performance, dairy should have a place in your diet!

As an excellent source of calcium, protein and carbohydrates, dairy has a full amino acid profile of the 9 essential branch chain amino acids. These are needed for building muscle, in particular leucine, and can only

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Elite Nutrition and Performance Is All Sugar Bad for You?

Is All Sugar Bad for You?

Is All Sugar Bad for You?

Similar to dairy, sugar has gotten a bad rap, and many people now avoid it like the plague. See my blog which raises a glass to The Benefits of Milk for Building Muscle.

Yes, there’s good reason to avoid too much refined white sugar, for all the health reasons we’re familiar with. However, there are different types of sugar that actually provide nutritional benefits.

Nature provides us with other delicious options to choose from and less need for artificial sweeteners.

Do you know the two natural sweeteners that contain antioxidants, vitamins and minerals? And which one also has anti-cancer properties?

Watch to learn more about these better options to white sugar, and which option has a lower glycemic index.

Want to improve your diet to support your performance goals in your sport? Reach out to me by scheduling a free

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Elite Nutrition and Performance Hydration Needs for Young Athletes

Hydration Needs for Young Athletes

Hydration Needs for Young Athletes

Every summer I work with young athletes to help them understand their hydration needs, and to establish a hydration protocol for parents to help their athlete implement.

It’s a “hot” topic every summer (pun intended!), because it’s such a critical component of their health and performance, and the consequences of dehydration are so serious. Just a 1% body weight loss from dehydration is enough for a young athlete to feel the effects, and any other medical condition they might have can increase their fluid loss even more.

You might be surprised to learn that young athletes don’t cool down the same as adults do. Rather than by sweating and evaporation, they cool down more by radiation (transferring their heat to something else such as a cool towel). Tip – take a cooler with cold towels and cloths!

Radiation aside, drinking enough fluids

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